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End Of The Line
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Kit Name: TIE Fighter
Scale: 1/51
Material: Resin

Model Number:

Number Of Parts: 3
Final Dimensions: 6.5"H x 4.75"W x 4.5"D
Box Cover: Click Here
Instructions: None
Country of Origin:  
Special Note:  

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This kit, like some many others that I encounter, is a complete mystery to me. I have no idea who made it, when it was made or where it came from. All I know is that I saw it on eBay and was so interested that I had to get it. It came already built with old chipping paint that was many years old. I broke it into it's three original pieces and stripped all of the paint off. This revealed some info to me about the kit. Someone had taken an old TIE Interceptor kit, added some detail to it and built wings for the body. They then cast those and made a kit out of it. Very interesting and resourceful. They basically did exactly what the Macro Trek kit does. MPC/ERTL released a TIE Interceptor kit before a regular TIE Fighter kit (that was eventually released by AMT/ERTL), and people would often convert the Interceptors into regular fighters. It's possible that this kit was made even before Macro Trek's. Either way this kit remains a mystery. After stripping it I gave it a quick basic cleanup job to fill some air bubbles. It was a pretty poor quality cast so there was a lot of stuff to fix and some stuff that I just couldn't. I was considering accurizing a lot of the detail that was left off such as the little braces around the cockpit window and all of the panel lines and small details, but I decided against it to preserve the look of the original kit. I don't want it to look like every other TIE on my shelf. For the base coating I started with Camouflage Gray. I then picked out the detail areas with Neutral Gray. I then proceeded to weather it in Black washes to dirty it up. As I said before, the casting was pretty messy, so a clean look just wouldn't work. I applied it nice and heavy to let it fill in all the details. After the weathering, I painted what would be glass (the casting was solid resin) Gloss Black. I painted the window frame Gunship Gray and the laser emitters Red. I then started the tedious task of masking the solar panels to be sprayed Flat Black. This is the most annoying part about building TIE Fighters and their variations. It takes a lot of time, but has a nice result when you are finished. Once the solar panels were painted, I glued the wings to the body and it was finished. I got this kit for about $20 on eBay.
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